Becoming a mom or being one already can be filled with excitement, and also with confusion and uncertainty. There will be many new things and many changes. Having anything else added onto to your day aside from trying to care for your baby (either during pregnancy or after having baby) can feel like a lot. For women who were or are smoking, changes to your body (e.g. hormones) along with stress, social influences, individual identity, and motivation can change your smoking behaviours.
 | | Tobacco Use during PregnancyA pregnant women is connected to the fetus by an organ called the placenta. The placenta sends what mom eats, drinks and breathes to the fetus. The nicotine, carbon monoxide and tars in cigarettes can be passed through the placenta if the pregnant woman smokes.
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 | | Tobacco Use after PregnantSome women who have reduced or quit smoking during their pregnancy feel urges to smoke after they give birth. After giving birth, a lot happens in a woman's life that can make it challenging to maintain some of the changes made during pregnancy.
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| | Partner Support
A partner can be a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, family member, friend or anyone close to the pregnant woman or new mom. A partner is someone who cares about her and supports her. It can tough to want to quit while your partner is still smoking or figuring out how you can support a woman in their quit journey.
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| | Self-help resourcesFind tips, tools, and guides to help you in your tobacco cessation journey.
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 | | Common QuestionsBeing pregnant and after delivering your baby can be confusing. You may have many questions. If you are using tobacco, you might have questions about that as well on top of being pregnant or after delivering your baby
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The truth is; smoking is or was a part of your life. We know that there are many reasons why women smoke during or after their pregnancy. A lot of it has to do with the many changes and challenges that come with becoming a mom. These changes can include: hormones and changes to the body, stress, social supports and influences, individual identity, and motivation.
Whether you are thinking about continuing to smoke, reducing your smoking, quitting smoking or trying to stay quit; being on this site is the first step. To learn more about the factors that keep you smoking and supports you can receive, click one of the links below:
 | | Triggers or Cues
The urge to smoke can be triggered by a habit to smoke, your daily routine, and your memories of smoking. Memories of who you smoked with, when, where and why can all be triggers or cues to have a cigarette.
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 | | StressorsMany people say stress is their strongest smoking trigger. Many people who smoke feel that smoking cigarettes helps with stress. Our bodies become used to the nicotine in cigarettes and feel on edge without it.
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 | | SupportsPeople who feel supported are more likely to quit, yet it can be confusing for family, friends, and caregivers when it comes to how they can help a loved one with quitting.
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