What is a partner?
A partner can be a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, family member, friend or anyone close to the pregnant woman or new mom. A partner is someone who cares about her and supports her.
How can a partner help while you're trying to quit smoking?
When you are quitting or reducing smoking, it helps to get support from the people around you. Women may find it harder to quit or reduce smoking when their partner and others close to them smoke.
If possible, it is best to quit or reduce smoking with your partner or other close friends and family. When you quit or reduce smoking together, you can help each other. You will not be reminded of smoking because you will not see these people smoking or smell smoke on them. If your partner, friends or family want to quit or reduce with you, it is a good idea for them to talk to their doctor, nurse or other health care provider about it. The website, Dad's in Gear supports dads who want to be smoke-free.
If your partner, friends or family are not going to reduce or quit smoking with you, read our page on secondhand smoke to learn how to make your home smoke-free. This tip sheet is also available to help those wanting support on how to ask for support from your partner:
Asking for support from your partner.pdf
Sometimes changes to your smoking can lead to arguments with others. If this happens often, try to make a plan. Tell them that you don't want to talk about smoking anymore or that you are going to deal with your smoking on your own. Tell your partner not to pressure you because it does not help with your smoking. Instead, ask them to support you and do things that you know will help you.
Not everyone is supportive or understanding when it comes to smoking and pregnancy. Sometimes people may judge you or tell you that you shouldn't be smoking. Usually people say things because they care about you, but it isn't always helpful. You can tell people about the other things you are doing to have a healthy pregnancy such as eating healthy, exercising, keeping your stress low and getting lots of sleep. You can also suggest for them to read about
how caregivers, family and friends can support you. There are also other
self-help resources available to you.