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CAMH Standard License

​​DISCLAIMER: This material has been prepared solely for internal use by registered users of the Nicotine Dependence Clinic Portal Website. CAMH accepts no responsibility for use of this material by any person or organization not associated with CAMH. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form for publication without the permission of CAMH. This is a controlled document. Any website reproductions appearing in paper form are not controlled and should always be checked against the electronic version prior to use. The most current version of this document is in electronic format, found at 

These license terms are an agreement between CAMH and you. Please read them. They apply to the licensed content, which includes the media on which you received it, if any. 

The terms also apply to any​
  • Updates
  • Supplements
  • Internet-based services, and
  • Support services
for this licensed content, unless other terms accompany those license items. If so, those terms apply. By registering as a user, you accept these license terms. If you do not accept them, do not register for the site.

If you comply with these license terms, you have the rights below.

  1. USE RIGHTS.  Internet-Based Services. CAMH may provide Internet-based services with the licensed content. It may change or cancel them at any time. You may not use these services in any way that could harm them or impair anyone else's use of them. You may not use the services to try to gain unauthorized access to any service, data, account or network by any means.
    Third Party Content. The licensed content may contain third party content such as journal subscriptions. These license terms will apply to your use of that third party content, unless other terms accompany that content.

  2. ADDITIONAL LICENSING REQUIREMENTS AND/OR USE RIGHTS. Media Elements and Templates.  In the event that you wish to use any images, clip art, animations, sounds, music, shapes, video clips and templates provided with the licensed content on the CAMH Nicotine Dependence Clinic Portal Website for any use other than your personal developmental use, you must first determine whether that other use is allowed by submitting in writing the proposed use to the following address:

    Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
    Attn.: Legal Counsel
    1001 Queen Street West 
    Toronto, ON M6J 1H4 

    Unless and until you have received prior written consent from CAMH to the use you have proposed, you may not use images, clip art, animations, sounds, music, shapes, video clips and templates provided with the licensed content on the CAMH Nicotine Dependence Portal Website for any use other than your personal developmental use.

    Academic Materials.  If the licensed content contains academic materials (such as white papers, labs, tests, datasheets and FAQs), you may copy and use the academic materials. You may not make any modifications to the academic materials and you may not print any book (either electronic or print version) in its entirety. If you reproduce any academic materials, you agree that:​
    • ​The use of the academic materials will be only for your personal reference or training use
    • You will not republish or post the academic materials on any network computer or republish or broadcast same in any media
    • You will include the academic material's original copyright notice, or a copyright notice to CAMH's benefit in the format provided below:​
    ​​Form of Notice:
    © 2008 Reprinted for personal reference use only with permission by CAMH. All rights reserved. CAMH is either registered trademark or trademark of CAMH in Canada and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

    Scope of License.  The licensed content is licensed, not sold. These terms only give you some rights to use the licensed content. CAMH reserves all other rights. Unless applicable law gives you more rights despite this limitation, you may use the licensed content only as expressly permitted in these terms.  In doing so, you must comply with any technical limitations in the licensed content that only allow you to use it in certain ways.  You may not:
    • Disclose the contents of any discussion board or the licensed content to any third party without CAMH's prior written approval
    • Publish the licensed content for others to copy
    • Rent, lease or lend the licensed content Use the licensed content for commercial licensed content hosting services

  3. ​​​TRANSFER TO A THIRD PARTY PROHIBITED.  The first user of the licensed content may not transfer any or all of it to a third party.

  4. ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  These terms for supplements, updates, Internet-based services and support services that you use, are the entire agreement for the services and licensed content.

  5. APPLICABLE LAW.  Ontario provincial law governs the interpretation of these terms and applies to claims for breach of it, regardless of conflict of laws principles.

  6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY.  The servers and licensed content are supplied "as-is."  You bear the risk of using same.  CAMH gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions.  To the extent permitted under law, CAMH excludes implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

  7. LIMITATION ON AND EXCLUSION OF REMEDIES AND DAMAGES.  You can recover from CAMH and its staff only direct damages up to Cdn. $5.00.  You cannot recover any other damages, including consequential, lost profits, special, indirect or incidental damages.
    This limitation applies to:
    • Anything related to the licensed content, software, services, content (including code) on third party Internet sites, or third party programs; and
    • Claims for breach of contract, breach of warranty, guarantee or condition, strict liability, negligence, or other tort to the extent permitted by applicable law
    It also applies even if CAMH knew or should have known about the possibility of the damages.

  8. ARTICLES.  Articles that appear on our website are for information purposes only. The nature of this information in all of our articles is intended to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. It is posted with the understanding that CAMH is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. CAMH has taken reasonable care in sourcing and presenting the information contained on this site, but accepts no responsibility for any financial or other loss or damage that may result from its use. The verification of all information and its legal bearing is the sole responsibility of the visitor. If these terms, conditions and descriptions are not clear, or if you do not accept them, we request that you do not visit our website.

  9. POSTINGS - TERMS OF SERVICE.  Please Be Warned: The postings on our discussion boards are posted directly by the members. We cannot monitor all of the postings on a 24-hour basis. We do our best to monitor postings and we do remove postings for which we observe or have received verifiable complaints. However, the viewer/visitor to this section is asked to use due diligence in responding to any posting. Our website is open to everyone on a 24-hour per day, 7-day per week basis. Postings may come in faster than they can be monitored. Use appropriate caution. 
    If you choose to enter the discussion board and view the posting section, you enter it and use this section at your own risk. If these conditions are understood and acceptable you are welcome to enter the discussion board and view the posting section.

  10. APPROPRIATENESS.  Participation on this website relies on civility and privacy.
    Postings must be appropriate. If any posting demonstrates the following, it will be deleted by the moderator:
    • Harassment
    • Mention of a patient by name or other identifier
    • Crude or salacious language
    • Discrimination on any basis, including race, creed, colour, sex, country of origin, etc.
    • Repeatedly posting objectionable material is grounds for revocation of access to this website or any part of it.

  11. TERMINATION.  You agree that CAMH may, under certain circumstances and without prior notice, immediately terminate your postings, or other forms of submission to CAMH. ​Cause for such termination shall include, but not be limited to, (a) breaches or violations of these terms or other incorporated agreements or guidelines or any publicly available CAMH policy, (b) requests by law enforcement or other government agencies, (c) a request by you, (d) discontinuance or material modification to the service (or any part thereof), (e) unexpected technical or security issues or problems, (f) extended periods of inactivity, and/or (g) you have engaged in fraudulent or illegal activities.

    Termination of your account includes (a) removal of access to all offerings within the website, including but not limited to postings, (b) deletion of your password and all related information, files and content associated with or inside your account (or any part thereof), and (c) barring further use of the service. 
    Further, you agree that all terminations shall be made in CAMH's sole discretion and that CAMH shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your account, any associated email address, or access to the website or any service.

  12. SUGGESTIONS, FEEDBACK, COMPLAINTS.  CAMH's staff is always interested in ways to improve our atmosphere. Please forward any suggestions to