Ways to Participate in the STOP Program


​STOP o​​n the Net Program

The STOP on the Net program is an online initiative of the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients Program (STOP) and is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health,designed to help individuals 18 years and older ​attempt to quit smoking. Participants will be able to receive up to 4 weeks of free NRT products.

STOP with Health Care Organizations​

STOP partners with Family Health Teams, Community Health Centres, Addiction Agencies, Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinics, Aboriginal Health Access Centres, and Indigenous Health Organizations to help you find support close to home.

​​Learn more »

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​CAMH Nicotine Dependence Clinic (NDC)

At the NDC we provide you with the support needed to help you quit smoking. Our clinical team can work with you to develop individualized goals and strategies that meet your needs.​

​​Learn more »​​​

For information on the STOP on the NET Program (SOTN), please click here​.​​​

noun_help_487129_F38F19.pngFrequentl​y Asked Questions​