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TEACH Course Descriptions

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​As of July 1, 2022, the TEACH Certificate in Intensive Cessation Counselling will be administered through CAMH. To learn more about this change, please read the following document: TEACH Certificate Program FAQ.pdf. ​

TEACH Core Course

​The TEACH Core Course is the integral introductory course for providers.


An Interprofessional​ Compr​​​​​ehensive Course on Treating Tobacco Use Disorder

This online introductory course will help learners to screen, assess, and treat people with tobacco dependence using evidence-based pharmacotherapies and psych​osocial interventions. Tools and techniques for enhancing motivation and facilitating cessation groups are also covered. Core Competencies and CanMEDS.pdf

Cost: $475 CAD
Next offered: January 8, 2025 - February 5, 2025

TEACH Specialty Courses

TEACH provides a range of courses that focus on specific knowledge and practice for different providers.​


​​​E-Cigarettes and Vaping: Approaches to Address Use with Adults and Youth

This ​course ​is designed to provide learners with the opportunity to increase their knowledge about e-cigarette use to help guide clinical decision-making. Learners will be able to screen & assess for e-cigarette use and use disorder, and design treatment plans using a client-centred, biopsychosocial approach. 

Cost: $400 CAD
Next offered: February 19, 2025 – March 26, 2025


Tobacco Interventions for Clients with M​ental Illness and/or Substance Use Disorders

This course focuses on knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide a client-centred biopsychosocial approach to detect, screen, engage, and treat patients with a mental illness and/or substance use disorder focused around tobacco use. ​MISUD Course Comp​etencies and CanMEDS.pdf

Cost: $400 CAD
Next offered: November 6 - December 11, 2024 (Select here to register)​


Tobacco In​terventions for First Nations​​​, Inuit, and Métis Populations

This online course is designed for the learner to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide a holistic, patient-centred, biopsychosocial approach to screen, engage, and treat commercial tobacco use among First Nations, Inuit, and Métis populations. The learner will be able to apply these skills, develop treatment in collaboration with patients, and refer as necessary. FNIM Course Competencies and CanMEDS.pdf

Cost: $400 CAD
Next offered: 
February 12 - March 19, 2025


Integrated Chronic Disease Management a​nd Prevention: A Person-centered Approach t​o Addressing Tobacco and other Modifiable Risk Factors

This course examines major modifiable risk factors (alcohol, stress, sleep, nutrition, physical a​ctivity) for chronic disease management, their contribution to major non-communicable chronic diseases, and their impact on tobacco & tobacco dependence treatment. This course also highlights best practices to address modifiable risk factors during tobacco dependence treatment. CDP Course Competencies and CanMEDS.pdf

Cost: $400 CAD
Next offered: May 15 - June 12, 2024

Cours spécialisé​s​ du Projet TEACH


Prise en charge et prévention intégrées des maladies chroniques

Ce cours qui est offert en ligne offrira aux participants les connaissances, les compétences et les aptitudes voulues pour adopter une approche biopsychosociale centrée sur le client pour le dépistage, la mobilisation et le traitement de clients qui consomment du tabac et présentent divers facteurs de risque modifiables.​

Dates du cours: à​ dé​terminer
