We want to know more about what could help people in their quit journey and become healthier. Here are a variety of research initiatives happening through INTREPID Lab (formerly Nicotine Dependence Service), which members of public can explore and participate in, if interested.
| Varenicline Chatbot Study
Are you interested in trying to quit smoking using medication (Varenicline/Champix) and an online chatbot? Be the first to try our interactive chatbot (computer program that will provide varenicline related information, advice, or support to users), designed to help you stay on track to quit smoking using varenicline (generic equivalent to Champix).
Please see the flyer below for details and contact information.
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A New Treatment For Smoking Cessation: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
Do you have mental health condition and want to quit smoking? You are being invited to participate in a clinical trial within the Nicotine Dependence Clinic where you will be randomized to receive either 6 weeks of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) or 6 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) to quit smoking cigarettes. Email rtms.smoking@camh.ca or call 416-535-8501 x 31551 to book a screening session.
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| Brain Imaging Study
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is looking for young adults aged 18 to 25 years who either 1) regularly smoke tobacco cigarettes or 2) regularly use electronic cigarettes (e.g. JUUL, vapes, e-cigs). We are conducting a non-invasive brain imaging study to look at differences in brain activity within these individuals. There is also an eye-tracking component where individuals look at slideshows of pictures. The study involves attending 3 scheduled study visits that will take up to 8 hours (total) of your time. You will be asked questions about your mental and physical health, your smoking/vaping habits, and you will complete learning and memory games. The total study compensation is $200, and you will be reimbursed for TTC ($6.50 or 2 TTC tokens per visit). To participate, contact research staff at 416-535-8501 ext. 77419 or email ecig.study@camh.ca. |

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) invites individuals who either 1) regularly smoke tobacco cigarettes or 2) regularly use electronic cigarettes (who are also former cigarette smokers) to participate in a study looking at differences in human behaviour by use of an eye-tracking task. The study involves attending one scheduled study visit that will take up to two hours of your time. You will be asked questions about your health, as well as tobacco and/or e-cigarette use history. At the end of the study, you will be compensated $30.00 for your time and $6.50 to cover transportation costs to and from the clinic. All private and personal health information that could be used to identify you will remain confidential.
If you have any questions or concerns, or if you are interested participating, please call 416-535-8501 ext 77293. |

| TECC-T1D3 Study
As part of a research study, we are recruiting participants for a virtual program dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of young adults with type 1 diabetes! To learn more, select the button below or email TECC.T1D@camh.ca.
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Quality Improvement Initiatives
Our STOP program, a province-wide smoking cessation treatment initiative funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, continues to be improved upon. As we learn, we build new facets of the program.
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