| Dear Readers,
Although the Pregnets blog has now come to an end, we are still dedicated to providing resources and information on our website, Discussion Board, Facebook Page, Twitter, and here on our blog. In June 2015, we conducted a survey with Pregnets users to get feedback on how we’re doing. We were happy to learn we have a large audience of health care practitioners from across Ontario who were kind enough to share their thoughts and feedback on how Pregnets has been useful for them!
Out of the 120 health care practitioners that responded to our survey, the largest concentration – nearly 71% – were based at public health units or family health teams across Ontario. Here are some interesting results we found:
Nurses are our main audience: Nearly half of our survey respondents were nurses. Other users included health promoters, educators and pharmacists.
Pregnets is a shareable resource: 65% of respondents have recommended Pregnets as a resource to other health care providers.
Pregnets is a reliable source of evidence-based guidance: Over half of health care practitioners use Pregnets to:
- Find information on pregnancy/post-pregnancy and smoking
- Learn what it offers so that they can recommend Pregnets to clients
- Find tools/evidence to apply to their practice
Pregnets is useful! 85% of respondents reported that Pregnets provided them with useful information, and with the information they were looking for.
Pregnets is relevant: Almost half of health care practitioners reported visiting the Pregnets website at least once within 6 months of completing the survey. This tells us that Pregnets is still relevant to health care practitioners looking for information on pregnancy and smoking.
If you want to share any other thoughts or feedback, please comment below and let us know how Pregnets has been useful for you! You can also contact us via email at pregnets@camh.ca.
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Letter : 3 (1)
| 4 | 37 weeks pregnant | Letter : A (14)
| 5 | action plan | 6 | addiction | 7 | adolescence | 8 | age of majority | 9 | ahstray | 10 | alcohol | 11 | allergic reaction | 12 | Alternative Inpatient Milieu | 13 | anti-smoking campaigns | 14 | Anti-Smoking Videos Canada | 15 | anxiety | 16 | appreciation | 17 | art | 18 | art therapy | Letter : B (12)
| 19 | baby | 20 | believe in yourself | 21 | benefits of quitting smoking | 22 | benefits of smoking | 23 | birth | 24 | birth of baby | 25 | birth plan | 26 | blog | 27 | blogger | 28 | blood pressure | 29 | Borderline Personality Disorder | 30 | breastfeeding | Letter : C (16)
| 31 | Call for bloggers | 32 | CAMH | 33 | cancer | 34 | challenges | 35 | child birth | 36 | children | 37 | Children's Aid Society | 38 | Christmas | 39 | cigarette | 40 | coffee | 41 | cold turkey | 42 | community | 43 | control | 44 | courage | 45 | craving | 46 | cravings | Letter : D (6)
| 47 | Dads-to-be | 48 | Dale Pendell | 49 | Daughter | 50 | depression | 51 | Dialectical Behaviour Therapy | 52 | difficult to quit | Letter : E (5)
| 54 | early labour | 53 | e-cigarettes | 55 | effects of smoking | 3 | Events | 56 | ex-smoker | Letter : F (9)
| 57 | family | 58 | family support | 59 | fast food | 60 | fathers and smoking | 61 | fears | 62 | feedback | 63 | feminism | 64 | finances | 65 | future | Letter : G (6)
| 66 | gestational diabetes | 67 | get help | 68 | glucose | 69 | glucose tolerance test | 70 | goals for not smoking | 71 | guilt | Letter : H (13)
| 72 | habit | 73 | habits | 74 | Hamilton Public Health | 75 | happy holidays | 76 | health | 77 | health care providers | 78 | help | 79 | holiday season | 80 | hope | 81 | hormones | 82 | how i quit | 83 | husband | 84 | husband smoking | Letter : I (5)
| 1 | Ideas | 86 | influences | 85 | in-laws | 87 | interview | 88 | Introduction | Letter : L (8)
| 89 | labour | 90 | last blog | 91 | Letter | 92 | letter to unborn baby | 93 | life lessons | 94 | looking back | 95 | loss | 96 | love | Letter : M (9)
| 97 | maternal smoking | 98 | men and smoking | 99 | mind over matter | 100 | mom club |
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