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Common Questions: Smoking and Pregnancy

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Being pregnant and after delivering your baby can be confusing. You may have many questions. If you are using tobacco, you might have questions about that as well on top of being pregnant or after delivering your baby.

Here are some commonly asked questions that women and their partners may have about smoking during the pregnancy:​


​​​​Effects o​n th​​e fe​​tus​​

​​​​Why do some moms using tobacco during pregnancy have healthy babies?​ This and answers to some other questions you are curious about when it comes to smoking and your baby while you're pregnant can be found in this section.
Image from: https://www.cigarettekills. com/uploads/6/5/7/8/65783365/1464683276.png​

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​​For wom​en​  

Do you have questions about your health and your pregnancy? Learn more here.​

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​​For part​n​ers​

It can be tough to want to quit while your partner is still smoking or figuring out how ​you can support a woman in their quit journey.

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