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INTREPID Lab Newsletter Volume 4 Released - New Updates, Initiatives and Research Opportunities
In this edition, learn about the newest updates with STOP on the Net program, the E-Squared Vaping Cessation Program, and the launch of new initiatives, including STOP with AHACs Evaluation and Youth-VAST, a clinical program addressing youth vaping, substance use, and technology dependence. Read the full newsletter here
Read Now! Volume 3 INTREPID Newsletter
Learn about the newest developments in smoking and vaping cessation in the most recent edition of the Newsletter. Volume 3 celebrates an important milestone of the STOP Program, highlights new vaping resources for STOP on the Net participants, shares the findings from Project VECTOR, and a lot more. Click here!
Dive into the Latest Updates: INTREPID Lab Newsletter Volume 2
INTREPID Newsletter Volume 2 has just been released and is packed with updates and exciting work our team has done in the last year! This edition summarizes key achievements, milestones, and highlights of our team in 2023. Review the Newsletter! Click Here
Our name change to INTREPID Lab
You may start to see on our website, content, social media, and more that we're changing our name to INTREPID Lab! This name change is in response to growing community needs, increased capacity, and reflects our expansion and applying interdisciplinary approaches towards tobacco and vaping cessation, chronic disease prevention and management, and behavior change strategies. For more check out our name change FAQ!
Presenting: INTREPID Lab newsletter!
The INTREPID Lab at CAMH (formerly Nicotine Dependence Service) is thrilled to share the launch of our first newsletter! You may know us as the home of STOP, STOP on the Net, as well as the TEACH project. Did you know we also run clinical services, work with communities to develop culturally relevant and tailored tools, and are involved with many digital health innovations, including developing the My Change Plan App to help folks quit smoking? Fresh news, straight to your inbox! Sign up to receive our bi-annual newsletter and stay up to date with INTREPID Lab.
The NDS gets Recognized for Their Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
We have officially received 2022-2023 I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience EmployerTM Recognition from @BioTalentCanada. This recognition is for making practices of inclusivity, diversity, equity and accessibility leadership a priority. For more information about the 2023 I.D.E.A.L. Bioscience EmployerTM Recognition Program click here
CAN-ADAPTT part of the latest update of C-CHANGE for cardiovascular disease management
Our CAN-ADAPTT guidelines are part of the newly updated C-CHANGE guideline for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care! The Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonized National Guideline Endeavour (C-CHANGE) provides coordinated recommendations on cardiovascular disease (CVD) from 11 Canadian guidelines. Click here to view C-CHANGE.
Free, Online Smoking Cessation Program: STOP on the Net – Available Now in English & French!
With the funding support of the Ontario Ministry of Health, the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) Program has launched the fully-virtual STOP on the Net Program, both in English & French! STOP on the Net is an online research program designed to support individuals 18+ years to attempt to quit smoking. Join today from the comfort of your home and receive free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) patches and gum/lozenges mailed to your address.
My Change Plan is an evidence-based app and it can help you to quit smoking
IF you are looking for a tool you can use right now to help you immediately, check out our My Change Plan mobile app! Now available for Android and iOS devices in their app stores. My Change Plan is for those who want to quit or reduce their smoking.
E-Cigarettes and Vaping Resources
CAMH NDS has been reviewing the evidence on Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) ​Our team at the Nicotine Dependence Service is leading a range of projects on Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) use, including the development of resources that both clients and healthcare practitioners can use to help guide their decision-making. Visit this page to review vaping resources that may be of interest to you.
Seeking Participants for a Brain Imaging Study!
We are conducting a non-invasive brain imaging study to look at differences in brain activity within young adults aged 18 to 25 years who either regularly smoke tobacco cigarettes or regularly use electronic cigarettes. To learn more, please visit this page. COMPENSATION PROVIDED.
​​​​Stressed about COVID?​ Seeking Participants to Test an App Designed to Reduce Stress
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the National Research Council of Canada are testing the Legend of Evexia - App, a mobile app to aid with stress reduction. Help us evaluate the Legend of Evexia - App! For eligibility criteria and to learn more, please visit this page. ​COMPENSATION PROVIDED.
National Non-Smoking Week January 17-23, 2021 !
January 17th marks the beginning of National Non Smoking Week ! The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) Program, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, offers smoking cessation treatment & counselling support to people across Ontario looking to quit. Download free resources to help you support your clients here. Or click here for more clients self-help resources. To keep up with new information, research projects and resources for smoking cessation during National Non-Smoking Week, follow us on Twitter @PSQuitSmoking !
Free, Online Smoking Cessation Program: STOP on the Net – Available Now!
With the funding support of the Ontario Ministry of Health, the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) Program has launched the fully-virtual STOP on the Net Program. STOP on the Net is an online research program designed to support individuals 18+ years to attempt to quit smoking.
Tobacco Use, Vaping, & COVID-19: What Do You Need To Know?
During these times, it is important to consider how you can best manage your health and prevent spreading the virus to others. Although more research is still needed, we are providing here with information, based on the latest evidence as of March 2020, on the risks associated with cigarettes & e-cigarettes, as well as tips for quitting or reducing smoking and vaping during the pandemic.
COVID19 Mental Health Discussion Forum
Leaning on others for support & encouragement is key during #COVID19. Our team at NDS has helped put together a moderated peer-to-peer discussion forum where you can connect with others in the community. This is a space where you can offer support, encouragement, and share your experiences with managing your stress and anxiety related to the COVID-19 virus. You can also get tips and suggestions for how best to cope in this difficult time. Register today & join the conversation!
Mental Health and the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic can cause stress and anxiety because of its disruption to normal life as well the sudden overflow of information and attention on the topic. As Canada continues to deal with the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, we at NDS remain committed to playing our part in ensuring the health and wellbeing of our clients and the CAMH community. In this vein, CAMH has created a website as a clearinghouse of resources and reliable information concerning the COVID-19 and its impact on mental health.
National Non-Smoking Week 2020 !
January 20th marks the beginning of National Non Smoking Week! The Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) Program, funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health, offers smoking cessation treatment & counselling support to people across Ontario looking to quit. Begin your journey to cessation today! Download free resources with information & tools to help you support your clients here. Or click here for more clients self-help resources. To keep up with new information, research projects and resources for smoking cessation during National Non-Smoking Week, follow us on Twitter @PSQuitSmoking !
Youth and Vaping: Where Do We Go From Here?
The NDS hosted a Facebook Live discussion about youth and vaping on November 28, 2019. The constantly evolving landscape around vaping has made it difficult to provide evidence-based and relevant advice to youth and their families. Our expert panel—including youth and physicians—will unpack some of the uncertainty around the subject in a live question-and-answer format. Topics will include: • How to identify signs of vaping addiction • Strategies to reduce risks associated with vaping • How to engage in a conversation with youth about vaping. You can access the event recording here.
To vape or not vape? CAMH experts vaporize the uncertainty!
The NDS TEACH Project presented an Expert Panel Q&A On Vaping on October 7th 2019 from 12:00-1:00pm to help practitioners learn more about vaping and what we should do while we wait for the evidence. The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing ! For more information, please contact: or call 416-535-8501, x31600.
New CIHR Grant at the NDS!
A collaborative team of Scientists at the CAMH NDS, spearheaded by Dr. Dolly Baliunas, University of Toronto, and ICES were the successful recipients of a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant! This project will compare health and healthcare use between groups of smokers from three sources: a database of patients who received STOP smoking cessation treatment, a population-based comparison group of smokers who did not receive STOP smoking cessation treatment, and population-based healthcare databases. Findings from this work can help inform debates concerning how to best implement smoking cessation services within the publicly funded healthcare system in Ontario.
E-Cigarettes Research Study at the NDS
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) invites people who regularly use electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) only or alongside smoking tobacco cigarettes to participate in a study looking at differences of nicotine and other substances found in their urine. For more information, please visit this webpage.
E-Cigarettes Resources
CAMH NDS is currently reviewing the evidence on e-cigarettes and vaping (ENDS) and will be developing recommendations to help inform our approach to addressing ENDS use among our clients. These will focus on the potential benefits and risks of using ENDS, the efficacy of these products on tobacco cessation and how to discuss these products with clients. In the meantime, here are some resources to provide guidance: Health Canada Consultations on The Future of Tobacco Control , Public Health Ontario Literature Review on E-Cig , OTRU Report on E-Cig Use For Smoking Cessation , An Evidence Update on E-Cig by Public Health England
